Does Evil Exist? V0.0

最近在看Jordan Peterson的写作要领。在此之前,我想要提前自己就感兴趣的内容先行写一篇,而后根据Jordan的建议,阅读完相关书籍后再写,进行对比。可以预见,本文将充斥着大量的语法错误,词汇误用,结构错误等等妨碍阅读的问题。

Does Evil Exist?

It is very convenient for people to believe there is such a thing as evil, so that we can easily categorize behaviors that violate our moral standard. If there is no words that can express the meaning of “evil”, it is hard to imagine what people would describe as to killers, thieves, hustlers, and other of the kind. However, does the existence of certain behavior proves the existence of evil itself? I find it hard to agree with.

Like many other nouns, it is much wiser to define its meaning, before arguing whether a thing exists. Evil, by itself, can be easily conceived as the synonym of crime, guilt, and other words that reminds us the terrible nature of mankind. In many religions, evil stands as a series of sins or sacrilegious thoughts that should be cursed or banished. If we are to agree the evil exists, we might have to prove some supernatural beings living and walking above our head, so I would like to limit the meaning of which in a reasonable sociological and philosophical expectation, thus evil, in this article, simply refers to things or behaviors that violate our moral standard.

It is obvious that I have certain advantage in arguing the non-existence of evil because of my definition, but I can prove evil does not exist spiritually either. To begin with, I would like to discover the body of evil, if it exists.

There is a saying goes, “All man born good.” It argues that mankind are born with good nature, yet bad environment influences them. Then, this idea must have suggested that there exists a body of evil as the source of bad influence that affects the first bad people, if we consider such an extreme situation. What, then, is the body of evil? Is there really such a mystery force that could spoil a man’s soul? Continuing our speculation, we would realize that the topic digressed into the realm of fantasy.

If we take a look at those things or behaviors that are considered evil, by which our moral has been ravished and our eager for justice as aroused. It seems evil truly exists, but after a further examination, it is clear to us that our acceptance of the claim above violates itself. If murdering, deceiving, stealing, and other similar acts are evil, then certainly all wars are unjust, and we would certainly be sinner, but we are not. You might want to argue that we have good reasons for those actions, but I am certain you understand my point. All behaviors or things that are considered as evil because we define them in that way.
We think those actions are bad not because of their nature, but by our definition. Given the correct circumstances, we could also be evil. The thing considered as evil makes we loss our rightful benefits, so we warn others to prevent such things from happening again.

Does evil exist? The answer to me is no. If a thing cannot has a meaning by its own, it is not likely to exists.

